As part of supporting projects for the creation and development of industrial production in Moscow, SFI IDA has maintained a project to localize the reagent production for DNA-identification by Gordiz on the territory of technopark "Slava".
Project description:
- The company was informed about the areas for placing new production facilities in Moscow, as well as about existing support measures for residents of Moscow's technoparks.
- The specification of technical parameters was provided upon the application of Gordiz for the investment project implementation in Moscow.
- The estimation of technical parameters was conducted upon the application of Gordiz for the area selection.
- For area selection according to technical parameters, the interaction with Moscow technoparks was provided.
- The preparation of variants for the production location in Moscow technoparks according to technical parameters was provided.
- According to technical parameters, premises were shown to the company's officials.
- The analysis of free premises in the territory technopark "Slava" was carried out.
- The analysis allowed to choose non-residential premise with a total area of 206,6 sq.m..
- Consulting support was provided in order to sign a lease agreement of the premise in the technopark "Slava".
The Russian innovative biotechnology company Gordiz was founded in 2008. Among its clients there are forensic institutions, research institutes, commercial molecular genetic laboratories. On the current moment, Gordiz is the only Russian manufacturer of products for molecular genetic identification based on multiplex analysis of STR loci of chromosomal DNA - the COrDIS product line.
Company website: