Support for the localization project of municipal equipment production for LLC «Merkator Kaluga» on the territory of manufacturing area «New Cheryomushki»
As part of supporting projects for the creation and development of industrial production in Moscow, SFI IDA has maintained a project to localize the municipal equipment production by LLC «Merkator Kaluga» on the territory of manufacturing area «New Cheryomushki».
Project description
- The company was informed about the areas for siting new production facilities in Moscow, as well as about existing support measures for Moscow industrial enterprises.
- The specification of technical parameters was provided upon the application of LLC «Merkator Kaluga» for the area selection.
- The estimation of technical parameters was conducted upon the application of LLC «Merkator Kaluga» for the investment project implementation in Moscow.
- The preparation of variants for the production location according to technical parameters was provided.
- The meeting with the Department heads was set up.
- Consulting support was conducted on issues related to the conclusion of contract with counter investment obligations.
- Negotiations between the Departments heads and LLC «Merkator Kaluga» was set in the frames of St.- Petersburg international economic forum. The parties discussed the issue of production localization in Moscow.
- Different areas were suggested to LLC «Merkator Kaluga»: plot of land in Alabushevo in special economic zone «Technopolis Moscow», a free plot of land in Troitsk and Novomoskovsky administrative districts, as well as free land parcel on the Irkutsk street, free land parcel in Zelenograd, storage and industrial premises on the territory of the manufacturing area «New Cheryomushki».
- Non-residential premises were choosen on manufacturing area «New Cheryomushki»
- Consulting support was provided in order to sign a lease agreement between LLC «Merkator Kaluga» and manufacturing area «New Cheryomushki»
The company is manufacturing combined road equipment, vacuum sweeping equipment, snow-removing machines, multifunctional tractors and loaders, environmental responsible cars.
Company website