Granting of loan

Предоставление займа. ООО МикроЭМ Технологии
Предоставление займа. ООО МикроЭМ Технологии
Предоставление займа. ООО МикроЭМ Технологии
Предоставление займа. ООО МикроЭМ Технологии

In 2018, the Moscow Fund for the Support of Industry and Entrepreneurship granted a preferential credit to MicroEM Technologies LLC in order to develop and expand production capacities. Investments in the project will amount to 68.1 million rubles.

MicroEM Technologies LLC is a contract manufacturer of electronics. It specializes in the production of RFID-, GPS-, GLONASS-, GSM-devices, products for the needs of telecommunications companies, the automotive industry and railway transport, housing and communal services, trade, medicine, lighting and special-purpose items.

The credit amount is 47 million rubles. Among the purposes there are the acquisition of technological equipment, the growth in production, the provision of a wider range of services - selective soldering, moisture protection, washing, multi-level quality control, etc.

Main facts:

  • the company doubled its production capacity, which allowed to attract medium and large customers-manufacturers of electronics;
  • The company has significantly expanded the range of services;
  • The project allowed to participate more actively in import substitution for Russian customers, providing them with competitive conditions for transferring their own production back to Russia from the Southeast Asian market, primarily from the China.




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